Not Just Hard Money Loans Only!

As a real estate investor, I have been a dedicated customer of Sherman Bridge services. Particularly their Lending hard money loans in the San Antonio area to finance my purchases of foreclosures and distressed properties as well as to generate funds to repair the inherent damages. I can honestly say I have benefitted a great deal from the quick and easy financing solutions along with the low rates of interest.

But it was only recently when I was interested in purchasing a home for myself, did I realize that Sherman Bridge is not just limited to rehab investment loans but also offers standard loans as well – like home loans and mortgage refinance loans for instance!

Since the housing market crash purchasing a house without external financing assistance is next to impossible.  Sherman Bridge’s loan experts extend a quick, easy and free process to obtain home purchase loans.

Furthermore, if you are interested in refinancing your mortgage to replace your existing debt obligation, Sherman Bridge can definitely offer you the assistance you need in a quick, smooth professional manner. They will go an extra step further, the loan experts will even help you to determine if refinancing is right for you based on your current interest rate and term period of the loan.

The firm will offer free consultations to you, with no obligations to use Sherman Bridge as your mortgage lender whatsoever! So keep in mind that there’s more to Sherman Bridge Lending than the usual private money loans that Texas lenders have to offer!

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